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Your Road to Safe, Confident Travel
Are you afraid to travel or to eat food prepared by someone else? 

We know what it’s like to be apprehensive about stepping out into the world with allergies. We understand what it is like to be hungry and not be able to eat even though you are sitting in a restaurant surrounded by food. 

Are you self-conscious about what others may be thinking of you because you’re not eating?  You wonder if they think you are not eating because you want the attention or that you’re high maintenance.

Embarrassed to speak up because it causes delays, and the attention, some may be thinking you are seeking, is the last thing you want.

Guilt because speaking up can lead to others having to wait for their meal. When what would really make you feel better would be to go into the kitchen and watch your food being prepared.  At least, this way you would know how your food was being handled and what was being put in it, even though you had already made things clear when you placed your order.  

You are apprehensive to eat the food when it does come out because you have been infected before and you know that could mean life-threatening symptoms, an emergency room visit, time off work, and shame because you ruined another evening out.

We are here to help you take your life back.

You CAN travel for whatever reason you want and you CAN feel safe! Yes, you read that right! You will become an EDUCATED and PREPARED traveler. We will help you navigate safely even with serious allergies. 

Follow us and get back your confidence about stepping out into the world, again!

Allergy safe coaching

Travel with confidence.

Reduce travel stress and anxiety.

Be secure in knowing you are prepared.

Be part of the fun of family travel.

Take back your life.

Love Your New-found Freedom!

Say GOODBYE to being stuck and HELLO to moving forward!

  •  Do you struggle with....

  • stress and anxiety with just the thought of travel?

  • continued illness, infection, and fatigue during and after a trip?

  • losing out on work opportunities or enjoyable travel experiences with family and friends?

  • guilt, isolation, and depression due to missing out on opportunities and adventure?

  • not living life to its fullest?

Allergy safe coaching

The Allergy Navigator Difference

 We’ve been where you are.
We know allergies can be detrimental to your health, and even life-threatening. We navigated these same waters and have overcome many of the same issues you’re facing.

We have the education, tips, and tools you need to be a successful allergy-safe navigator.

Here’s how we can help you...

We are unique and groundbreaking in this field, we believe no other company has our dedication and compassion for the allergy sufferer. With our help you will gain the confidence to travel without worrying that your allergies will put you at risk.  

“Success favors the prepared person.”
~ Debra

Here’s how you get started!

Follow our YouTube channel to get destination reviews and tips & tricks.
Contact Us to schedule one-on-one allergy-safe travel coaching.
Subscribe to our allergy education resources, product selections, safe-travel packing list and more.
In the meantime, download your FREE travel tips...
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